Bai viet huong dan dang ky nguoi phu thuoc theo quy trình moi nhat hien nay, phien ban tieng Anh va tieng Viet
[word_balloon id=”5″ size=”M” position=”L” name_position=”under_avatar” radius=”true” balloon=”talk” balloon_shadow=”true”]A person who does not know HOW to register DEPENDANT for PIT
- I want to know how to register it
- I have no confidence detailed procedure
- I want to save personal income tax legaly[/word_balloon]
In this article, we will explain How to register DEPENDANT PIT TAX Code
After you read this article, you are eligible to do and deduct taxable income legally.
Nội dung bài viết
Step 1: Collecting information and documents to register
1.1.Confirm condition
Before register a PIT tax code for a dependent, it is necessary to determine if the dependent meets the conditions specified in point d Article 9 of Circular 111/2013 / TT-BTC.
You can refer this newletter to check to check conditions:
1.2.Collect document to collect infomation
For cases that satisfy the conditions, they will be registered as dependents and deduction document
Birth certificate
Copy of ID dependant
Statement of who must be directly foster
↓1 Sample of ID dependant

↓2 Sample of ID dependant
↓3,Statement of who must be directly foster
1.3. Collect information
To register, you are requied to collect below infomation.
Information about the taxpayer:
- Taxpayer’s name
- Taxpayer’s tax code
Information about dependant:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Tax code ( if any)
- Nationality
- Identity Card Number / Personal Identification Number of Dependents
- Relationship with taxpayer
- Registered permanent address
- Timing for deduction
Step 2: Fill in information to prepare registration on HTKK app
2.1. Login HTKK app via tax code of company
2.2. Choose declaration PIT Regisration dependents for family deduction

2.3. Choose tax caculaliton period
2.4. Fill in information on declaration

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to fill in.
After filling in all information, click “Save” and print out XML file to submit online
Step 3: Submit declaration online via Thuedientu
3.1. Access website:
by IE and login account.
3.2.Register 02TH form
To know if your company has registered the 02TH form yet:
Go to the thuedientu page: Select “File a tax” -> “Submit a tax return”
3.3.Plug USB Token in computer.

3.4.Submit the 02TH form on

3.5.Check the submitted declaration
After you digitally sign the declaration form and submit it in step 4, you need to check the declaration again to see if the submission was successful or not.

Then download the declaration submitted successfully.
So you can expect to reduce your PIT.
Tren day la huong dan dang ky nguoi phu thuoc
Liên hệ nếu quý khách cần tư vấn thêm: Ms Huyền Hotline/Zalo – 094 719 2091