How to apply tax e-payment?

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Accounting person who are confused about E-Taxpayment

I want to know detailed procedure how to apply E-Taxpayment

but it seems difficult to do it. I have no experience.

Manabox will answer these questions. In this article, we will explain how to apply E-tax payment service

After you read this article, you are eligible to pay tax online!

In briet_ Flow of regsitration of E-tax


1. Preparing: TOKEN KEY and BANK account

Before register tax e-payment, you must have:

  • Token key
  • Bank payment account. For some domestics banks such as BIDV bank, Viettin bank, VCB bank, tax payment fee is zero.

How to get Token key??

You can contact with the supplier such as FPT, BKAV, VNPT, New CA and so on. Then, they will support you register to use token key in tax online system. 

2. Process-Form (01/ĐK-TĐT) and Register BANK

2.1 Submitting the Registration of paying E-tax Form (01/ĐK-TĐT)

Step 1: Log in and access by ID: Taxcode-QL and its pass.(E-TOKEN has there INFO) 

If It is the first time you access your ID, please click to Sign in (“Đăng nhập”) and register to use e-tax. Then, tax system will provide you ID and password to access.
Fill ID, pass word, OTP and click to “Đăng nhập”

Step 2. Click “Quản lý Tài khoản” => click “Thay đổi thông tin tài khoản” => Click “Đăng ký dịch vụ nộp thuế

Step 3: Desktop show. Then

  • Fill in phone number, email and fill bank information.
  • Choose token and then system auto fill information of token.
  • After fill in all information, choose “tiếp tục”

Please be sure that your token takes actively when plug in your PC

Step 4: Desktops show Form “01/ĐK-TĐT” => choose “Ký và gửi”. Then Desktops shows Finish.

2.2 Register with bank

2.2.1 Fill out information in application for using E-tax payment service ( each bank have different forms)

Example for Mizuho bank:

2.2.2. Print out and get signature of representative and company seal, affixed seal

After Finish, about 1 days, you can take e-payment.

Instruction for sign and stamp

E-TAX is possible now!

By register e- tax payment, you could save your time and conveniencely to use. Hope this post can help you register e- tax payment more easily!!

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